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DEI Doctoral Research Seminars

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The Department of Ingegneria Elettrica e dell’Informazione of Politecnico di Bari (DEI) organizes a series of interdisciplinary research seminars to disseminate its doctoral activities. Doctoral students of the XXXV and XXXVI cycles of the two DEI Ph.D. programs (Industry 4.0 and DRIEI) will present their research activity both to fellow doctoral students and to Professors.

2 CFU will be recognized for Ph.D. students of Politecnico di Bari attending at least 5 of the 6 meetings and 1 CFU will be recognized for the doctoral students who are speakers of a seminar.

The seminars will take place every Wednesday at 3 pm starting from February 2nd, 2022, and ending March 9th, 2022. Each speaker will be provided a 30-minute time slot for presentation and a 10-minute time slot for discussion.

The seminars will be held virtually on MS Teams: The abstracts and the link to participate are available here

“Sede centrale del Politecnico di Bari” by SkyFrank (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Program and presentations





